Welcome to WriteNude

Home of Matthew McDermott, Canadian naturist and author

Considering Nudism but have questions?

What is considered impolite at a nudist beach?
How can I make sure not to make newbie mistakes?
Do I take my clothes off before or after I register at the desk?
My Practical Guide Can Help!

Reflections from a Nudist

June 18, 2024
Well. I'm back.

I'm back, folks. It's been a while, I know. With some personal challenges and health challenges, I've been away for a good long while. But I'm back. I will not be posting regularly here, at least to start, as I have become only too aware of my limits. However, I am still very much a […]

January 12, 2022
Happy New Year!

I just wanted to leave a quick note to say Happy New Year and to let you know that I am taking a small break.

September 28, 2021
More Poor Journalism About Nudists

Recently an article made the rounds about a house for sale: It's about a nice little house for sale. It's very cheap - probably about half the asking price if it were in the nearest city (Hamilton, Ontario - my home town). And! If you can believe this! It's in a nudist resort! I've seen […]

June 4, 2021
Still alive!

It's warming up here in Ontario, and while COVID has kept us more or less shut in at home, I'm still alive and safe and half-vaccinated. I hope everyone who's reading this is doing well! It's been a long time since I've posted on here, and that's because there is actually a lot going on […]