How Not to Find Porn: Searching for Nudist Content Online

Written by 
Matthew McDermott
July 30, 2020

When you’re a nudist, it sometimes feels like 90% of the world is porn.

This isn’t about when you’re actually nude, or when you’re nude with other people. It’s one of life’s ironies that social nudity can be among the least sexualized situations imaginable. There’s no leering, no peeking, and (obviously) no mentally undressing each other. The shared vulnerability of nudity makes it innocent in a way that is surprising to most people.

That’s not what pornographers are after, though.

They know that to non-nudists, nudity is intrinsically sexual, so more nudity is more sexy. And situations where multiple people of mixed genders are nude together are very rare in general society, so they must be taboo. Finally, the idea of nudists being real, regular people is set aside, and mostly athletic young women (and a few slim, muscular men) are the focus.

We’re not going to eradicate pornography from the internet any time soon. But if you're looking for nudist information or communities and not images of young nude people, what do you do?

Don’t Search for Nudism

The word “nudism” has been forever corrupted by the online porn industry. Even sites that present as non-pornography sites are trading on exploitation of nudists - often minors, and usually female minors. The fact that they are engaging in (apparently) nudist activities is simply a cover for a business that sells titillating images of naked women.

And apparently it’s good business, because these sites tend to dominate the search results when you use a term like “nudist” or “nudism” on most search engines. You’ll find perhaps some ads for legitimate nudist resorts, and maybe a wikipedia link, but mostly it will be TABOO FAMILY NUDIST PHOTOS NUDE GIRLS sites, fake “nudist” dating sites(link to community post), and the like.

So you’ll have to refine your search terms significantly to get anything usable. If you’re searching for places you can go nude, you’ll want to be more detailed, like “nudist resorts near toronto”. If you’re looking for nudist online groups, try “naturist forums”.

The words you use are important too. The worst word to use is “nudism”, which is a keyword that is dominated by porn sites. Try “nudist” instead - the results are far more legitimate. Even better, use “naturist” or “naturism”, because these words are apparently less erotic, and thus not primary keywords for porn sites.

Use Directories, not Searches

Even better, unless you’re not looking for some particular site or topic, is to avoid search engines altogether. and go to more authoritative sources of nudist information.

Start with sites of naturist organizations that are already established. You can go to your national association and check their web page out - most national associations list their affiliated clubs and regional groups, and might also provide information on other locations where nudism is allowed or tolerated. (Many of their sites also have a robust privacy and ethics policy - definitely a good thing for nudist content!)

You can also find sites with naturist communities (though I’ve written about why online naturist communities seldom work, so be warned). If you find an active community that truly shares in naturist values - that is, one that isn’t just a trading post for nude photos - they might have some information you can use. Or if you are looking for something specific, you can search the forum’s history, or even just ask. (And you can read my book too, if you want some suggestions on getting started!)

Try Social Media

While social media is largely unfriendly to nudism - and nudity in general - there are still some vibrant communities growing on some platforms.

You can find a number of nudist groups on Facebook, often focused on geographical areas - if you’re looking for information or discussion, that would be a good place to start. And if you consider reddit a social media site, their nudist subreddit has won praise as a well-moderated and very active community, and they don’t allow photos either. It’s a great place to search for useful posts or ask your questions. (Full disclosure: I’m a moderator of r/nudism, though I receive no compensation of any kind for it. I’m just a strong proponent of the community, and love to help build quality spaces for naturists!)

Above all, there’s Twitter, which has a loose but surprisingly large community of nudists. While some hashtags might lead you only to porn, #normalizingnudity and #naturism appears to filter better results. Using these hashtags, you can find tweets or accounts that are run by real nudists. You can even get involved and connect with others in the naturist community by tweeting yourself.

As Always, it’s Better in Person

While I’ve provided some strategies for finding valid nudist content on the internet, consider how much time you’re spending searching, reading blogs (like this one!) and forums and articles… and how much time you’re spending just experiencing nudism. After all, you can browse all that content while practicing nudism in your own home.

The internet should be a means to an end, not an end in itself. Even in the midst of the COVID pandemic, it’s far better to spend your time finding real nudists to interact with. That doesn’t have to be in person - there are an unprecedented number of nudist gatherings these days, whether through informal Zoom chats or organized events (check out British Naturism’s events!). There are even some nudist resorts and informal meetups going on - respecting social distancing guidelines of course.

Searching for legitimate and valuable nudist content isn’t easy. But the best part is that you can close the search engine any time you want, drop your clothes, and join an incredibly freeing and supportive community.

Share your thoughts...

Are there any online resources for nudists that you prefer? Where do you go for real nudist content? Drop your recommendations in the comments below!

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4 years ago

This is a major pet peeve with me. I would love to just do a search and find actual nudist websites. The porn sites have search engine specialist and know how to overwhelm the results and manipulate them to their benefit. I agree that using directories are a better option, but still those are not perfect. Personally, I've started following nudist personal websites and blogs, but those are few and far between and the "community" behind them can be a bit sparse. However, you tend to find genuine nudist within those realms. A nudist social network/community would be very difficult… Read more »

Quiet Voice
Quiet Voice
4 years ago

It's almost as if the term nudist has been stolen from the community. It's tragic in a way. Even trying to do searches using all the fancy search switches like "-porn" to remove any searches that include porn only bring up news articles that seem to exploit those who are public about the naturist lifestyle.

4 years ago

It is tough to be an honest nudie online. There are few legitimate nudist blogs and fora and websites because of this. One gets overwhelmed by all the people who don't think as we do. And if you're female, there are armies of men suffering from feelings of loneliness, perhaps inadequacy, or maybe just testosterone poisoning, waiting to pounce. Nudist forums tend to be quickly populated by a lot of guys trolling for women. It is the nature of the beast. I was in a group where you had to be referred in by a member and then put thru… Read more »

4 years ago is a wholesome website that maintains family and Christian values. There are some photos, but I haven't found anything there I wouldn't let my own children see. There is also great dialogue, and in fact I found the link to this article on there!

jolee fanton
jolee fanton
7 months ago

ive been there and searched. there needscto ba a darabase of active naturistscwho desire to socialize privately in ones own private dwelling and not at a resort. this database needs addresses and phone numbers set up by city, state, territory, country. ive been on here about a year onba bunch of chats etc. people will not open up. its sad. im sure thete are nydists in my city, greenville sc usa . ive found two and private messaged them only tonrecieve crackling in return. i do not have the time nor the computer expertese to pursue this. BY THE WAY… Read more »

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