More Podcasts, and why Nudist Podcasts Are Important

Written by 
Matthew McDermott
May 15, 2020

Last year, I put together a list of my favourite naturist podcasts. (That post is available here if you missed it.) Since then, some more podcasts have either appeared or come to my notice, and it’s time to give them a bit of attention too.

Before I list these podcasts, though, let’s think a bit about why naturist podcasts are so important, both in our current pandemic situation and in the long term. Of course podcasts in general can be a great source of information and food for thought, but nudist podcasts in particular are important for a number of reasons.

First, they humanize nudism. If you’re not an active naturist, but you’re interested in it, it can be really encouraging to learn about the real people with all their different personalities, backgrounds, and motivations are part of the nudist scene.

Second, they normalize nudism. With nudism regarded as a far-out fringe practice, it’s easy for solo nudists or even nudist families to feel like their beliefs are really as strange as society repeatedly tells them. And for new nudists, it can be a real battle to work against those meaningless taboos that we’ve been taught all our lives. Hearing people talk about naturism as though it’s a positive, everyday thing helps to normalize it in our own lives.

Third, they build community. The podcasts help all of us identify the common values that bring us together as naturists, and make us think about the ideas that the podcasts present. It may sound trivial, but it’s an important means of reaffirming what draws us together. And in the current lockdown situation, these disembodied voices from across the ether can be a way of staying in touch with other nudists - and with our naturist selves as well.

With that, let’s talk about some podcasts I’ve been listening to lately.


Our Naked Story

Blake and Elle are residents of Olive Dell Ranch in California, they are both committed naturists, and they’re at the younger end of the demographic. If you’re looking for the future of the naturist movement in the USA, these guys are it.

They take a very casual approach to their podcast, whether they are interviewing guests or just chatting on their own. The laid-back style is engaging and fun, but it’s also very topical: they are involved in the many nude events at Olive Dell, and even organize some of them. The only drawback I find in listening to them is that California is so far away, but I hope to get to Olive Dell one day!

Find the Our Naked Story podcast here.


Naked Nerd

The Naked Nerd is another young nudist. He hails from Australia, and although his podcast is nudist themed, he spends plenty of time talking about his various nerdy pursuits, particularly Doctor Who. However, he’s an active naturist and has had his nudist friends and members of Young Nudists of Australia on as well. Each episode is refreshingly brief and focuses, and a lot of fun, especially if you enjoy both nudism and nerdism.

Find the Naked Nerd podcast here.


New Nudist Podcast

Scott Cline presents this podcast that is directed at new nudists - or potential nudists who are interested in the idea but haven’t tried it yet. (Hey - sounds like a good idea for a book, too!)

Scott hosts interviews with other naturists, from complete newbies to longtime nude veterans. He also provides a roundup of naturist news, and other interesting tid-bits with each episode. Highly recommended for anyone who is thinking about making those first steps into the nudist life.

Our Simple Nude Family

Francisco Agosto is a father of a bunch of kids, and they enjoy nude recreation together at local nudist spots. (His spouse is not a nudist.) The podcast includes a lot of perspective and advice about family nudism, and issues that teen and child participants may deal with. He confronts some fairly weighty and daunting issues that are particular to younger nudists, like body development, body image, and being nudists in a clothed world.

It’s a very honest and positive podcast. Even nudists without kids (like me) will find it enjoyable. Francisco’s focus on nudist values and philosophy make the podcast very much worth listening to.

Find the Our Simple Nude Family podcast here.


Did I miss any podcasts this time? What podcasts, blogs, and twitter feeds do you look to for nudist news and views? Tell me in the comments!

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4 years ago

[…] Read further at Write Nude […]

4 years ago

Good list of podcasts! I'll have to watch them.

I'd love to do a videoblog. I'd call it Naked and Not Afraid: Southern California Edition. It would be a version of the Discovery Channel TV show without all the drama and with some useful information. I'd need a videographer. I'm no longer young enough to do such a thing all by myself. If you've ever watched the TV show Survivorman, you know what I mean.

Last edited 4 years ago by Fred
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