The Best Naturist Podcasts

Written by 
Matthew McDermott
September 24, 2019

Earlier this month I had a great conversation with Chef Martin, host of the ToTheNudeLife podcast. It's available here if you want to give it a listen.

I've appeared on two naturist podcasts to date, and they were both great experiences. The real shame is that there are very few naturist podcasts out there! That might be, of course, because the ones that exist already are all high quality and get a lot of positive attention. Here are the naturist podcasts I listen to:

The Naturist Living Show

The granddaddy of all the naturist podcasts out there, Stéphane has been publishing episodes regularly for over a decade. He's the owner of Bare Oaks and covers a breathtaking array of different topics in naturism. He's also a personal inspiration for me, and a great person to talk to about naturist topics.

The Naked Podcast

Two women, Jenny Eells and Kat Harbourne, do their regular podcast on BBC Radio Sheffield naked. They aren't nudists, but they recognize the difference that non-sexual nudity can make in how we relate to other people. Women's issues are given appropriate attention on their podcast but they have a lot of great guests and topics.


Martin is a full-time naturist (when he's not deployed overseas, of course) and is a true enthusiast for the nude life. He's also a chef and has had a lot of unique life experiences. His podcast is casual and comfortable, but based on a strong understanding of nudist ethics.

Just Naked

A podcast that is the brainchild of a new but highly successful nudist organization based in New York City. Host Adam Schweitert delves deep into the nudist lifestyle and the many emotional, social, and ethical questions that surround it. (I'm interviewed in episode 5 - one of my best interviews ever!)

Naked Colors

A newer and more casual podcast, but one with a unique perspective from a transgender person of colour. A wide range of topics are discussed, but most importantly issues of race and naturism - something that doesn't get discussed enough.

Share your Thoughts

Have I missed anyone? Tell me your favourite naturist and nudist podcasts in the comments - and link to a specific episode you liked, too!

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4 years ago

Radio New Zealand has had some very interesting and eye opening interviews about Naturism. There are no Podcasts per say but some of these are favorite shows of the people of New Zealand where Naturism is been growing steadily for the last 30 years. Here is a link to an interview with Joyce Fleming in 2009 about Naturism.

4 years ago

[…] Read further at Write Nude […]

4 years ago

[…] year, I put together a list of my favourite naturist podcasts. (That post is available here if you missed it.) Since then, some more podcasts have either appeared or come to my notice, and […]

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